News Wellbeing

Wellbeing Matters

Teaching our children how to create wellbeing is essential in helping them develop into successful adults.

News Wellbeing

Climate Clever School

At Quintilian, we are always looking at ways to reduce our carbon footprint, and recently becoming a ClimateClever School is one such approach. 

Principal's Latest Message

Principal’s Message

Dear Parents, We are only one week away from spring and whilst I appreciate the wonders of winter, I am excited that we will have more sunshine and less rain. Typically the spring season brings an element of excitement, a…


French News

What have our French students been up to in Term 2?

Principal's Latest Message

Principal’s Message

Dear Parents, I hope all our families had a very enjoyable and refreshing school holiday break. At the recent Staff Professional Development Day, our teachers received training from the Dyslexia SPELD Foundation in an internationally recognised whole-school approach to teaching…


Being Maths Active

Quintilian will be applying for recognition as a Maths Active School as part of our initiative to improve mathematics engagement across the school.

Principal's Latest Message

Principal’s Message

Dear Parents, Thank you to the many families who recently travelled to Rottnest Island for our Quintilian Family Camp. The weather threatened to make things interesting; however, this did not eventuate, and everyone enjoyed a fabulous weekend. The iconic Quokka…

News Wellbeing

Cyber Security with BEACON

Cyber security is a concern for many parents. Watch this digital presentation by Telethon Kids Institute to find out more about the BEACON App.


Mid Week Munchies 25 May

Mid Week Munchies 25 May Midweek Munchies next Wednesday $6, please bring correct change. Your child can have a hotdog, fruit and drink! Please place orders between 8.00am and 8.50am in the undercover area outside the Library. We will also…