Recently our Choir students participated in the One Big Voice event at the RAC Arena in Perth. What an amazing experience for these music students to be part of!
As Australia’s largest and most inclusive children’s choir, OneBigVoice shows what the power of song and a simple idea can achieve!”
The goal of the One Big Voice event is “To have as many young people as possible singing, positive, uplifting, life-affirming songs”. It originally started as a modest gathering of six local schools in 2001 and is now described as “a community phenomenon” which sees close to 20,000 people gather at RAC Arena in Perth, Western Australia on one day each year, for a massive celebration of song.
At Quintilian, our focus in the music department is on participation. Led by a specialist music teacher, all students from Pre-Kindy through to Year 6 have a music lesson each week, in which they experience and respond to music in all its varied forms.
We have a spacious and well-equipped music teaching room, with a digital piano, fourteen electronic keyboards, a range of percussion instruments and a quality sound system, not to mention a stage for presenting those great performances!
A love of music is fostered at Quintilian and many of our children participate in private instrumental programs. We currently offer piano, flute, clarinet, violin, guitar, band, singing and drums, which are all done in class time.
Every second year the School presents an amazing musical production that involves every student in the school from our 3-year-old Pre-Kindergarten students to our Year 6 Graduating class. This is a wonderful opportunity for all students to be part of a large production, and to perform in front of an audience.
Jackie and the Beatstalk 2021 – professional photos will soon be added to the Gallery.
To find out more about Qunitlian and the outstanding education programs we offer, contact our Registrar.