Quintilian a ClimateClever School

An innovative, data-driven App-based program enabling schools to measure and reduce their carbon footprint.

At Quintilian, we are always looking at ways to reduce our carbon footprint, and recently becoming a ClimateClever School is one such approach. 

ClimateClever is an app and platform that helps us record, measure and reduce our carbon footprint.

It helps us locate where our fundamental outgoings and impact areas are so that we can improve them. 

Other initiatives in our quest for sustainability include:


Waste-wise strategies are taught to all year levels from Kindergarten to Year 6 through mini-workshops, specific lessons and incursions. Quintilian also participates in the Containers for Change program, encouraging students and families to recycle their drink containers. All funds raised from this initiative go back into the school’s STEM and Sustainability projects.

Free-range chickens and organic vegetable gardens 

Our chickens roam freely about our organic vegetable gardens and are cared for by our children. The gardens demonstrate the connection between the recycling of waste, the chickens, and the growing of vegetables.

Being water wise

We educate and teach strategies for using water sparingly whenever possible, and we are an accredited Water Wise School.

Energy Awareness

We participate in energy competitions whenever possible (eg. Synergy’s Switch Off Competition) to promote a whole school approach to conserving energy. 


Climate Clever School Logo and wording