Places still available for 2025
Contact our Registrar
A wonder of learning
Created by our amazing staff

Child-centred, independent education 

from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6

Quintilian School is a co-educational, non-denominational school in the heart of Mt Claremont, that has been serving the needs of students and parents since 1975.  The Quintilian approach encourages curiosity and problem solving through a holistic, integrated curriculum. Our program enriches the day-to-day experiences of school by drawing on the resources of a wide range of community and cultural groups, and of the parent body.wpmain  

Academic excellence and rigour is pursued, but equally, social skills, physical health and the arts are of vital importance in preparing our children for secondary schooling and their place in society. Enrolment Information Here

You can visit Quintilian School on a private tour with our Registrar.