On-site before school supervision is provided in the Quintilian playground free of charge from 8:00am daily for children from Pre-Primary – Year 6.
Indigo Kids Club provides after school care for Quintilian students.
After school care runs from 3pm-6pm Monday- Friday and afternoon tea is provided.
Indigo staff members collect participating students and walk with them to the OHSC premises next door at 16 Brockway Rd.
Vacation care is also available during the school holidays 7am-6pm, and this includes a variety of fun incursions and excursions.
16 Brockway Rd, Mt Claremont Western Australia 6010
Tel: (08) 9387 6610 Email: mtclaremont@indigokidsclub.com.au
E reception@quintilianschool.wa.edu.au
A 46 Quintilian Road
Mount Claremont