Dear Parents,

I am delighted to announce that our Early Learning and Lower Primary Coordinator, Mel Rayment, has received an Association of Independent Schools of WA (AISWA) scholarship to attend the AISWA Reggio Emilia Study Tour in 2023. Mel successfully applied to attend a similar Regio Emilia study tour in 2020, however due to COVID restrictions the tour was cancelled. This AISWA Study Tour is part of the bigger Reggio Emilia International Study Tour, where up to 400 participants worldwide head to Italy next April.

The Early Childhood programs in Reggio Emilia, Northern Italy, for children aged three months to six years, are internationally acclaimed for the inspirations, challenges, and provocations they provide for all those concerned with the care and education of young children. I have no doubt that Mel will gain great inspiration and a host of exciting ideas to consider implementing into our early learning areas at Quintilian School.


Parents of Years 3 and 5 students received their child’s NAPLAN report last week, and I am pleased to report that Quintilian Schools’ NAPLAN average for both Years 3 and 5 is well above the national school’s NAPLAN averages. These results are a testament to the excellent teaching of literacy and numeracy that our school provides.

Safety around our School

In recent weeks I have been concerned about the speed of cars in our ELC carpark and on Quintilian Road at drop–off and pick–up times. It is not an excuse because someone maybe running late for work or another appointment to drive dangerously near our students. I remind everyone to drive extremely slowly and with great care when near our school.

Please also be mindful that when you are opening and closing our school access gates that you close them completely and do not allow any children but your own to exit the school grounds.

As we enter the spring season, I look forward to the opportunity for our children to enjoy more playtime outdoors, and I hope all families will look to do a range of fun and nature-based outdoor activities over the two-week holiday break.

Neil Collins, Principal