Wellbeing Matters | Join us for Quintilian Wellness Day

Did you know that wellbeing doesn’t just happen on its own; we create it? Teaching our children how to create wellbeing is essential in helping them develop into successful adults.

On the 2nd of September, we will be holding a whole school Wellness Day, and the students will rotate through a range of activities to promote wellness for their bodies, mind and hearts.

They will learn:

  • The importance of a healthy lifestyle, including healthy eating, drinking water, getting enough sleep and being active.
  • About keeping a healthy mindset and transforming negative thoughts into power statements that encourage us to keep trying and give our best in all we do.
  • That strong connections through our friendships and a sense of belonging are vital to a healthy and happy life.

We would love for our Quintilaion families to join us on the main grass for a community picnic to help celebrate our Quintilian community and healthy, happy lives. See the poster for more details.